JanKaul commented on code in PR #11041:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11041#discussion_r1868916881

@@ -82,9 +98,13 @@ Each version in `versions` is a struct with the following 
 | _required_  | `representations`   | A list of 
[representations](#representations) for the view definition         |
 | _optional_  | `default-catalog`   | Catalog name to use when a reference in 
the SELECT does not contain a catalog |
 | _required_  | `default-namespace` | Namespace to use when a reference in the 
SELECT is a single identifier        |
+| _optional_  | `storage-table`     | A [partial 
identifier](#partial-identifier) of the storage table |

Review Comment:
   I think there are two parts to this issue: Resolving the namespace and 
resolving the catalog.
   I would always resolve the namespace of the storage table as I think this 
should provide the most consistency. Requiring the query engine to resolve a 
partial reference on every access seems more fragile to me. Another point is 
that the storage table identifier is set by the query engine which has the 
complete information about the identifier.
   Resolving the catalog is more complicated as the discussion about the 
"catalog alias" problem shows. It makes sense to use an optional "catalog_name" 
here. The question is what happens if the value is not set. We have these 
   1. Use the same catalog for the storage table as for the view
   2. Use the `default-catalog` from the view version (if I understand you 
correctly Dan)
   I'm in favor of Option 1 because my understanding is that the 
`default-catalog` relates to the references in the view representation and not 
to the view itself. I find it natural that the storage table is in the same 
catalog as the view.

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