pvary commented on code in PR #11513:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11513#discussion_r1865930536

@@ -31,26 +31,26 @@
 import org.apache.iceberg.util.DataFileSet;
- * Container class representing a set of files to be rewritten by a 
RewriteAction and the new files
- * which have been written by the action.
+ * Container class representing a set of data files to be rewritten by a 
RewriteAction and the new
+ * files which have been written by the action.
-public class RewriteFileGroup {
-  private final FileGroupInfo info;
-  private final List<FileScanTask> fileScanTasks;
+public class RewriteFileGroup extends FileRewriteGroup<FileGroupInfo, 
FileScanTask, DataFile> {
   private DataFileSet addedFiles = DataFileSet.create();
+  /**
+   * @deprecated since 1.8.0, will be removed in 1.9.0.
+   */
+  @Deprecated

Review Comment:
   Deprecated every object from the old API, but kept them for compatibility 

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