feniljain commented on issue #417:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/issues/417#issuecomment-2509721763

   Hey @Fokko ! 👋🏻 
   As the original author has not replied, I am interested in taking it up :)
   Few points regardless who this gets assigned to:
   - I couldn't see `distinct_counts` in java or python documentation, am I 
reading them wrong somewhere, if they are present can someone point me to them 
please? Also distinct counts are present on `ColumnChunk` level, but they would 
not be possible to aggregate at `DataFile` level cause fields can be same 
between two different `ColumnChunk`. Am I understanding this correctly?
   - For `NaN` value counts, as the 
   Parquet/ORC keeps track of most metrics in file statistics, and only NaN 
counter is actually tracked by writers. This wrapper ensures that metrics not 
being updated by those writers will not be incorrectly used, by throwing 
exceptions when they are accessed.
   We will have to keep track of it on our own, so I think we would go through 
each `Field` in each `Column`s of `RecordBatch` supplied 
 and find float values then count `NaN`s in it. Is this understanding correct?

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