mxm commented on code in PR #11662:

@@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ public void serialize(SortKey record, DataOutputView 
target) throws IOException
     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
       int fieldId = transformedFields[i].fieldId();
       Type.TypeID typeId = transformedFields[i].type().typeId();
+      Object value = record.get(i, Object.class);

Review Comment:
   Nulls are not allowed everywhere in Flink. Primitive types generally don't 
support null. In other places, Flink uses boolean flags to encode nulls, e.g. 
in PojoSerializer:
   KeyBy operations are not allowed on null values.
   +1 to Steven's suggestion to version the serializer. We already have 
 We just need to add a version check for the new boolean serializer because 
this is an incompatible change which requires serializer migration.

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