ZENOTME commented on PR #704:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/704#issuecomment-2505206247

   > > > There are two kinds of writers in iceberg:
   > > > 
   > > > 1. Plain position delete writer: 
   > > > 2. Sorting position delete writer:
   > > >    
   > > > 
   > > > It seems that this pr tries to implement 2, while there are some 
missing part there. I would suggest to implement 1 first as it's easier, what 
do you think?
   > > 
   > > 
   > > Is position delete must be sorted or it just be optional? From the 
iceberg spec, it looks like it must be sorted. 
   > Yes, it's required in spec, but some compute engine could sort this before 
passing to writer, and writer doesn't need to handle sorting itself.
   Make sense. Let's implement 1 first

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