jasonf20 commented on code in PR #10962:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10962#discussion_r1860928881

@@ -384,6 +386,116 @@ public void testRewriteDataAndAssignOldSequenceNumber() {
+  @TestTemplate
+  public void 
testRewriteDataAndAssignOldSequenceNumbersShouldNotDropDeleteFiles() {
+    assumeThat(formatVersion)
+        .as("Sequence number is only supported in iceberg format v2 or later")
+        .isGreaterThan(1);
+    assertThat(listManifestFiles()).isEmpty();
+    commit(table, 
table.newRowDelta().addRows(FILE_A).addDeletes(FILE_A2_DELETES), branch);
+    long firstRewriteSequenceNumber = latestSnapshot(table, 
+    commit(
+        table,
+        branch);
+    commit(
+        table,
+        branch);
+    long secondRewriteSequenceNumber = latestSnapshot(table, 
+    commit(
+        table,
+        table
+            .newRewrite()
+            .addFile(FILE_D)
+            .deleteFile(FILE_B)
+            .deleteFile(FILE_C)
+            .dataSequenceNumber(secondRewriteSequenceNumber),
+        branch);
+    TableMetadata base = readMetadata();
+    Snapshot baseSnap = latestSnapshot(base, branch);
+    long baseSnapshotId = baseSnap.snapshotId();
+    Comparator<ManifestFile> sequenceNumberOrdering =
+        new Comparator<>() {
+          @Override
+          public int compare(ManifestFile o1, ManifestFile o2) {
+            return (int) (o1.sequenceNumber() - o2.sequenceNumber());
+          }
+        };
+    // FILE_B2_DELETES and FILE_A2_DELETES should not be removed as the 
rewrite specifies
+    // `firstRewriteSequenceNumber`
+    // explicitly which is the same as that of A2_DELETES and before B2_DELETES
+    // Technically A1_DELETES could be removed since it's an equality delete 
and should apply on
+    // data sequences strictly
+    // smaller, so it's no longer needed. However, MergingSnapshotProducer 
+    // dropDeleteFilesOlderThan
+    // which doesn't consider if the file is an equality delete, if that API 
is changed the equality
+    // delete file could be dropped sooner
+    Snapshot pending =
+        apply(
+            table
+                .newRewrite()
+                .addFile(FILE_A2)
+                .deleteFile(FILE_A)
+                .dataSequenceNumber(firstRewriteSequenceNumber),
+            branch);
+    assertThat(pending.allManifests(table.io())).hasSize(6);
+    long pendingId = pending.snapshotId();
+    List<ManifestFile> manifestFiles =
+        pending.allManifests(table.io()).stream()
+            .sorted(sequenceNumberOrdering.reversed())
+            .collect(Collectors.toList());
+    ManifestFile newManifest = manifestFiles.get(0);
+    validateManifestEntries(newManifest, ids(pendingId), files(FILE_A2), 
+    assertThat(ManifestFiles.read(newManifest, FILE_IO).entries())

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