rahil-c commented on code in PR #11180:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11180#discussion_r1857154984

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class TestBase {
   public static final PartitionSpec SPEC =
       PartitionSpec.builderFor(SCHEMA).bucket("data", BUCKETS_NUMBER).build();
-  static final DataFile FILE_A =
+  public static final DataFile FILE_A =

Review Comment:
   @amogh-jahagirdar Just curious what is the concern/issue with the change? I 
think I can try adding this variable directly to tests but will need to do this 
in multiple places. Rather I think we can keep this change as the `TestBase` 
class seems to have other public variables, this seems to be clean to me.

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