amogh-jahagirdar commented on code in PR #10755:

@@ -118,4 +118,16 @@ public interface ExpireSnapshots extends 
PendingUpdate<List<Snapshot>> {
    * @return this for method chaining
   ExpireSnapshots cleanExpiredFiles(boolean clean);
+  /**
+   * Allows removal of unreachable partition specs as part of the expiration 
+   *
+   * @param removeUnusedSpecs setting this to true will remove partition specs 
that are no longer
+   *     reachable by any snapshot
+   * @return this for method chaining
+   */
+  default ExpireSnapshots removeUnusedSpecs(boolean removeUnusedSpecs) {

Review Comment:
   Thanks @advancedxy ! I'm in favor of the client side API option for now, 
just had a comment on the name of it. 
   I think there's an important discussion to be had on how REST servers can 
indicate to clients the specific supported update types, this can either be 
done through config endpoint or through the existing endpoints discovery 
mechanism where each update type is attached as a query fragment to the 
endpoint and clients just use that.
   My opinion is that it's not worth blocking this on a REST protocol 
discussion since we can always just come back and deprecate this client side 
option and have it run as part of the default procedure implementation.

@@ -1108,6 +1108,24 @@ public Builder setDefaultPartitionSpec(int specId) {
       return this;
+    Builder removeUnusedSpecs(Iterable<Integer> specIds) {

Review Comment:
   +1, in the context of a TableMetadata builder, I think the right name is 
`removeSpecs` or `removeSpecIds`. Whether it's unused or not is irrelevant for 
the purpose of the TableMetadata builder API

@@ -118,4 +118,16 @@ public interface ExpireSnapshots extends 
PendingUpdate<List<Snapshot>> {
    * @return this for method chaining
   ExpireSnapshots cleanExpiredFiles(boolean clean);
+  /**
+   * Allows expiration of unreachable metadata, such as partition specs as 
part of the operation.
+   *
+   * @param clean setting this to true will remove metadata(such as partition 
spec) that are no
+   *     longer reachable by any snapshot
+   * @return this for method chaining
+   */
+  default ExpireSnapshots cleanExpiredMeta(boolean clean) {

Review Comment:
   I'd prefer to use the full `metadata` word, especially in a public API, we 
don't really get much from an abbreviation.

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