rdblue commented on code in PR #10831:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10831#discussion_r1852748196

@@ -1110,6 +1125,7 @@ Maps with non-string keys must use an array 
representation with the `map` logica
 |**`map`**|`array` of key-value records, or `map` when keys are strings 
(optional).|Array storage must use logical type name `map` and must store 
elements that are 2-field records. The first field is a non-null key and the 
second field is the value.|
+|**`variant`**|`record with `metadata` and `value` fields`|Shredding is not 
supported in Avro.|

Review Comment:
   We should probably mention that `metadata` and `value` must not be assigned 
field IDs.

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