RussellSpitzer commented on code in PR #11615:

@@ -248,6 +296,88 @@ protected Statistics estimateStatistics(Snapshot snapshot) 
     return new Stats(sizeInBytes, rowsCount, colStatsMap);
+  private Map<Integer, Long> calculateNullCount(
+      Map<String, Map<Integer, Long>> distinctDataFilesNullCount) {
+    Map<Integer, Long> nullCount;
+    // get the null counts from the manifest file
+    nullCount =
+        distinctDataFilesNullCount.values().stream() // Stream<Map<Integer, 
+            .flatMap(
+                innerMap ->
+                    innerMap.entrySet().stream()) // Flatten to 
Stream<Map.Entry<Integer, Long>>
+            .collect(
+                Collectors.toMap(
+                    Map.Entry::getKey, // Key is the column id
+                    Map.Entry::getValue,
+                    Long::sum,
+                    HashMap::new));
+    return nullCount;
+  }
+  private Object toSparkType(Type type, Object value) {
+    switch (type.typeId()) {
+      case DECIMAL:
+        return Decimal.apply((BigDecimal) value);
+      default:
+    }
+    return value;
+  }
+  // min/max are calculated for numeric, Date, and Timestamp only
+  private boolean isValidMinMaxType(Type type) {
+    switch (type.typeId()) {
+      case DATE:
+      case TIMESTAMP:
+      case INTEGER:
+      case LONG:
+      case FLOAT:
+      case DOUBLE:
+      case DECIMAL:
+      case BOOLEAN:
+        return true;
+      default:
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // extract min/max values from the manifests
+  private Map<Integer, Object> calculateMinMax(
+      boolean isMin, Map<String, Map<Integer, ByteBuffer>> 
distinctDataFilesBounds) {

Review Comment:
   I'm not a big fan of parmeterizing "isMin", i'd probably just use two 
different functions that call a more generic version so that the code in the 
original calling location is clear and you don't have to know that "true" means 

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