huaxingao commented on code in PR #11551:

@@ -45,11 +45,23 @@ public class ColumnarBatchReader extends 
BaseBatchReader<ColumnarBatch> {
   private final boolean hasIsDeletedColumn;
   private DeleteFilter<InternalRow> deletes = null;
   private long rowStartPosInBatch = 0;
+  // In the case of Equality Delete, we have also built ColumnarBatchReader 
for the equality delete
+  // filter columns to read the value to find out which rows are deleted. If 
these deleted filter
+  // columns are not in the requested schema, then these are the extra columns 
that we want to
+  // remove before return the ColumnBatch to Spark.
+  // Supposed table schema is C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, The query is:
+  // SELECT C5 FROM table, and the equality delete Filter is on C3, C4,
+  // We read the values of C3, C4 to figure out which rows are deleted, but we 
don't want to include
+  // these values in the ColumnBatch that we return to Spark. In this example, 
the numOfExtraColumns
+  // is 2. Since when creating the DeleteFilter, we append these extra columns 
in the end of the
+  // requested schema, we can just remove them from the end of the 

Review Comment:
   Thanks for your comment!
    The extra columns are appended to the requested schema in 
 The values of these extra columns are read in ColumnarBatchReader and used to 
identify which rows are deleted in 
 I remove the extra columns right after calling applyEqDelete.

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