advancedxy commented on code in PR #10755:

@@ -118,4 +118,16 @@ public interface ExpireSnapshots extends 
PendingUpdate<List<Snapshot>> {
    * @return this for method chaining
   ExpireSnapshots cleanExpiredFiles(boolean clean);
+  /**
+   * Allows removal of unreachable partition specs as part of the expiration 
+   *
+   * @param removeUnusedSpecs setting this to true will remove partition specs 
that are no longer
+   *     reachable by any snapshot
+   * @return this for method chaining
+   */
+  default ExpireSnapshots removeUnusedSpecs(boolean removeUnusedSpecs) {

Review Comment:
   > That said, I would be fine with just having a "cleanMetadata(boolean 
cleanMetadata: True)"
   I think this is a good candidate, or we should be more specific like 
`cleanExpiredFiles`, we should call it `cleanExpiredMeta(boolean clean)`. WDYT? 
 @RussellSpitzer @amogh-jahagirdar 
   > The rationale for having the API is more REST + compatibility related.
   This is well thought.  I'm in favor of exposing this as an API. As for the 
boolean parameter, I think it would be consistent with `cleanExpiredFiles` and 
it would be easier to call it in a fluent way when expiring files and meta are 
determined by external caller.

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