amogh-jahagirdar commented on code in PR #10755:

@@ -118,4 +118,16 @@ public interface ExpireSnapshots extends 
PendingUpdate<List<Snapshot>> {
    * @return this for method chaining
   ExpireSnapshots cleanExpiredFiles(boolean clean);
+  /**
+   * Allows removal of unreachable partition specs as part of the expiration 
+   *
+   * @param removeUnusedSpecs setting this to true will remove partition specs 
that are no longer
+   *     reachable by any snapshot
+   * @return this for method chaining
+   */
+  default ExpireSnapshots removeUnusedSpecs(boolean removeUnusedSpecs) {

Review Comment:
   @RussellSpitzer I was thinking about that, it's true that there's no real 
benefit to keeping the spec/schema in place but the issue I'm thinking about is 
more REST + compatibility related. 
   A bit ago, we added the ability to send remove spec updates to the server 
and if we change the snapshot expiration implementation to just always remove 
metadata in the implementation, servers may not be able to handle that yet 
since it was recently added as a possible update type and services would 
perhaps unnecessarily fail the commit as part of expiration since the service 
would say unsupported. 
   In the current model a client would opt-in knowing that the service would 
support the spec removal.
   There may be a different way to handle this though so we can keep it all 
implicit in the procedure though.

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