--On 11. Mai 2018 um 13:12:57 +0200 Sebastian Hagedorn <haged...@uni-koeln.de> wrote:
--On 9. Mai 2018 um 09:53:23 +0200 Robert Stepanek <r...@fastmailteam.com> wrote:search_index_headers: noThe rest of your config looks fine, but you might want to change search_index_headers to yes, in case you are doing a lot of searches on the From:, To:, etc headers. If disabled, searching these headers still will work, but will be slower.If that is the case, the documentation should be changed: <https://cyrusimap.org/imap/developer/install-xapian.html?highlight=searc h_index_header>
Sorry, I should've checked the manpage first. It states:Whether to index headers other than From, To, Cc, Bcc, and Subject. Experiment shows that some headers such as Received and DKIM-Signature can contribute up to 2/3rds of the index size but almost nothing to the utility of searching. Note that is header indexing is disabled, headers can still be searched, the
searches will just be slower.If the manpage is correct, standard headers are always indexed, so the recommendation on the web page is actually good the way it is.
-- .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:. .:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:. .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.
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