
On Fri, May 4, 2018, at 14:48, Albert Shih wrote:

> Is they are any way to make a test to know if xapian work or not ?

Cyrus comes with two binaries that will tell you its build and runtime 

E.g. running

    $ /usr/cyrus/sbin/cyr_buildinfo

on my development server yields a JSON-formatted output about Cyrus build 
config. Look for something like

   "search": {
    "squat": true,
    "xapian": true,
    "xapian_flavor": "cyruslibs"

to check if Xapian is enabled in the build (presumably, yes, since you have 
*.glass databases in your directories).

Next, cyr_info will tell you, if xapian got enabled indeed at runtime:

    $ /usr/cyrus/sbin/cyr_info -C  <your-config-dir>/imapd.conf conf-all | grep 

should yield something like
    search_engine: xapian

Next, make sure that the IMAP commands submitted by your clients are using 
SEARCH FUZZY. You might want to inspect the IMAP telemetry to check this.

If all these checks passed, there shouldn't be any reason why Cyrus should not 
use Xapian during search. One might want to enable verbose logging for search 
then, but unfortunately, that's currently not a runtime-option.

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