Floyd Anderson wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Mar 2018 20:21:52 -0800
> Ian Zimmerman <i...@very.loosely.org> wrote:
>> On 2018-03-01 18:12, Dale wrote:
>>> Here is the list of the bounced messages:
>>> - 182748
>>> - 182749
>>> - 182751
>> If you succeed in retrieving them, please let us know which ones they
>> were, so we can guess as to the cause.
> Just send an empty mail to:
>    <gentoo-user+ge...@lists.gentoo.org>
> where ‘N’ is the message number, for instance:
>    <gentoo-user+get-182...@lists.gentoo.org>
> and you should receive the requested mail (182749). I got it within
> one minute.

Interesting.  The plot thickens.  I sent mine hours ago and got nothing
yet, other than the recent replies which are in sequence so far.  This
is what I sent to get them:




Those look like the same format as yours.  Wonder why I haven't got
anything yet?  Am I missing something?  I wonder if google is blocking
them.  I have to BCC myself to get my replies since google sends them to
/dev/null otherwise.  Annoying thing.  I keep saying I'm going to get a
real email but it's always next week, which never seems to get here.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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