Branko Grubic wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 14:42:35 -0600
> R0b0t1 <> wrote:
>> I keep getting emails from the mailer daemon about bouncing messages.
>> I am worried. Am I missing messages from my internet friends? Please
>> send help.
>> With much concern,
>>      R0b0t1
> Hi,
> I was just thinking about asking the same question, I also get those
> recently.
> Regards,
> Branko

I have got a couple recently as well.  I wonder, can this be used to
retrieve those messages somehow??

Here is the list of the bounced messages:
- 182748
- 182749
- 182751

I keep my messages locally so when I miss messages, it can throw a thread into 
some random weirdness.  If one uses the web interface to read/reply etc then it 
wouldn't matter but for those who use email software, it seems we are missing 

I might also wonder, what happened to 182750??  


:-)  :-)  

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