On 14/11/2012 8:42 AM, Willie wrote:
Hey Everyone,

I have been dealing with this problem for awhile now. It seems that
whenever I am in Linux my computer will just turn off. Not shutdown like
I did "shutdown -r now". Just completely off out of the blue at random
times. I have been reading the logs but there is nothing helpful at all.
It is never the same thing on the logs when it does just shutdown.
Sometime I can boot up and it will go off when it says "Waiting for udev
events to finish" or something like that.

I haven't done any major upgrades in awhile, there is really nothing
different. I installed Windows last night to see if it is a hardware
thing but nope it stays on. I also tried reinstalling Gentoo on a couple
of occasions on another Hard Drive but it just shutdown while I was
getting it done.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I really don't want to be in Windows
after I spent all that time customizing my XFCE4 desktop.


Willie Matthews
matthews.wil...@gmail.com <mailto:matthews.wil...@gmail.com>

Before you rebuild kernels etc, do you have a live CD, sysrescue, Gentoo minimal install, any of the Myth live CD's, lying around? Boot that and see if a "bog standard" configuration boots and displays the problem. If it gets up and is stable, then there is something in your actual config. If you have sysrescue, sysresccd.org, if it boots and is stable, you can then run a memory tester to see if anything manifests itself.


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