I've recently moved across to using Gentoo and have been trying to get an install accomplished using glibc-2.3.2-r12 instead of the defacto 2.3.4 version that comes shipped with the latest buildCD(2005.0). After a lot of messing around I seem to be able to force a stage one build using 2.3.2 by changing the default profile and setting a mask for anything greater than 2.3.2. After running the bootstrap.sh, this seems to build 2.3.2 and all the other relevant source for a stage one - so far so good. The problem then comes when trying to build the rest of the system using emerge -e, all the old utilities such as grep etc are still expecting 2.3.4 of glibc and complain bitterly. This leaves me with a system that can't be built as configure relies on grep etc to build.
Where to from here? Surely there is an easier way to tell gentoo that I don't want the latest version of glib, I want an older one on install. We can't use the latest (2.3.4) glibc because we have an embedded application that relies on 2.3.2 libraries.
Not knowing Gentoo very well, can anyone suggest how I should be doing this?

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