As I await my income-tax refund, I'm drooling over a couple of
machines on a website that allows you to build to your own specs.  One
is an Intel P4 CPU 505 2.66GHz/533FSB/1M and the other is an AMD Athlon
64 3000+/1600FSB/512K CPU.  Spec'ed out otherwise identically, the AMD
comes out slightly less expensive; it's not significant.  Is there any
real advantage to be had with an Athlon 64?  Does Gentoo do anything
with the extra 64 bits?  Also, I have a choice between a 64 meg ATI
Radeon 7000 and a 128 meg Radeon 9250, at the same price.  I have a
Radeon 7000 working on an older machine right now.  Are there any Gentoo
issues with drivers for the 9250?

An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
and has a lower TCO, than linux.
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