
I also asked me that question some time ago...
boost 1.72 was flagged out of date on 2020-04-28, but is still in the repos.
Since then
1.73 was released on 2020-04-28
1.74 was released on 2020-08-14



Am 07.10.20 um 23:58 schrieb karx via arch-general:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general <
> arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
>> Is there a reason why boost libraries are stuck to version 1.72 when
>> 1.74 are already available? I cannot find anything on the bug tracker.
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> Best
>> Jayesh Badwaik
> Hi,
> How long has the updated version been available? If it was just released
> then it will take some time for it to get packaged. If it has been a while,
> you can flag the package out of date through the web interface.
> Cheers,
> Yash

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