On October 7, 2020 11:58:52 PM GMT+02:00, karx via arch-general 
<arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general <
>arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
>How long has the updated version been available? If it was just
>then it will take some time for it to get packaged. If it has been a
>you can flag the package out of date through the web interface.
Nah unfortunately it has been for a while. I'm
very much involved in other time consuming
parts lately and hence trying to find a new
maintainer that coordinates the massive
rebuilds and patches required on each bump.
However so far I was unlucky after third time of
asking on irc.
I will bump this on our ML and hopefully finally
find someone motivated and having time for this task.

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