If this is a limitation, it's a limitation of Akonadi that it doesn't monitor 
remote single files for changes. A workaround could be to use the local file 
source, let korganizer monitor it for changes, and sync the local file using 
wget/curl and a systemd --user timer. This should work flawlessly and be solid.

Personally, I'd suggest to think differently and get the ICS subscription into 
your DAV calendaring system first. CalDAV software or hosting worth its money 
should support some kind of calendar subscription. This is exactly what I'm 
doing; I have CalDAV as the single source of truth, and subscriptions of 
external calendars flow into the DAV calendars. At the endpoint device, I just 
need to connect to CalDAV to get everything from one source. This is also the 
setup I'm using with KOrganizer.

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