Hi !

Sorry for being a bit off-topic, however there might be Kontact Arch users that 
can help me out answering a question about Korganizer, from the Kontact suite.

See when I tried using Korganizer, I could add caldav calendars, and I also 
could add ics online web calendars, however it seems the only way to add such 
calendar is treating them as static calendars, meaning they get added, but 
can't be periodically sync, which is what I'm looking for, since I access as 
read only my office calendar from office365, which requires pretty frequent 
syncs, and I also access astronomy events calendars and holidays calendars, 
which all evolve over time.  Examples (excluding the office one):


When adding those ics calendar as ical files (the only way I found to add 
them), I got sad warnings:

> Select the file whose contents should be represented by this resource. If the 
> file does not exist, it will be created. A URL of a remote file can also be 
> specified, but note that monitoring for file changes will not work in this 
> case.

I'm assuming no monitoring means no syncing at all, :(  Isn't there a way to 
add such calendars, but keeping them doing periodic syncs, hopefully with 
individual periods each (more frequent for the office one, and less frequent 
for the other ones).

Thanks !


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