Hi Notopygos, I thought like its a separate package like dmenu, but its not. So as u suggested, i will look for alternatives which are compatible with Arch..
Hi Shorrer, Its a nice explanation and its clear to understand... thanks a lot for spending ur time in explaning this.. Thank u guys On Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 2:05 am Shorrer via arch-general, < arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote: > 'bmenu' is that thing like shown here? > https://classicforum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=28824.msg246141#msg246141 > If that's so then I think I've found it. > > First, I don't know how things are working in Manjaro, but it seems like > you guys are using > our AUR so you should be familiar with the thing or you at the very > least heard about it. > If not and if you're interested in how it works then here is some > quick'n'dirty explanation: > it is community-provided repository of stuff that is required to create an > installable pacman package. "Stuff" is mostly a PKGBUILD script that > 'makepkg' can use > to create a package (you can learn more at > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository) > > So, let's get back to 'bmenu'. Seems like we had this package in AUR but > it was removed. > Except it actually wasn't and you can still get all the data required to > create it. > However, this might not work. After all, the AUR page was taken down for > some reason... > Steps to get it: > 1. Go to some temporary directory that you don't mind unpacking stuff into > 2. Execute "curl -O > https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/bmenu.tar.gz" > 3. Execute "tar -xaf bmenu.tar.gz" > 4. Go to 'bmenu' folder that appeared > 5. Execute "makepkg -sri" > 6. Enjoy, I think > > Now, you AT LEAST should've got the required package. But, that's not > all. Now we should > bind that pesky key and I think I couldn't really tell you how exactly > that's done as I don't > remember i3 config syntax, but I'll try to cover up and explain what you > should look for. > > i3 allows you to execute whatever you want from it's binds. As this > 'bmenu' is, from what > I've seen, a bash script, it needs bash and, more importantly, a > terminal window. So it all > boils down to binding your terminal emulator with argument to launch > bmenu. It might > look somehow like this > bind-key $mod+ctrl+b "terminus -c bmenu" > (again, this isn't exact line that you should be using). > > After that you should be done. You can poke around in PKGBUILD, remove > "#branch=aur" from > "sources" variable and get a bit more fresh but probably incompatible > with Arch version. > And given that the script itself is a bit, eh, old, it might not > function properly sometimes. > If you want you can fix it, push changes to git or fork the thing and > make your own AUR package. > > That's it, I think. Hope this helps one way or another, and also sorry > if this wall of text > looks like random gibberish and not a step-by-step guide, I've just had > very little sleep today. > > On 15/07/2019 14:40, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote: > > Hi there Archers, > > I am moving from manjaro i3 to Arch now, already started customizing i3 > to > > my need. Has anyone seen how the "b-menu" in Manjaro i3 is?..it contains > > bluetooth, network manger etc.. binded to mod+ctrl+b keys by default. > > how can i get a similar one to my Arch config?.. please guide me. > > > > Thanks in advance > > > > Fellow newbie Archer > > Ramkumar >