On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 17:10:15 +0530
Ram Kumar via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> I am moving from manjaro i3 to Arch now, already started customizing
> i3 to my need. Has anyone seen how the "b-menu" in Manjaro i3 is?..it
> contains bluetooth, network manger etc.. binded to mod+ctrl+b keys by
> default. how can i get a similar one to my Arch config?.. please
> guide me.

Ask in manjaro forums whether it is a standalone program or their
version for dmenu.

If it is a downstream patch then you can get the source and build it.
Looks like it is a downstream patch, there is dmenu & dmenu-manjaro and
you are probably talking about dmenu-manjaro

You can add their repos and let pacman manage dmenu-manjaro updates
(idk if this is a good idea) or build it on your computer (will not
take much time/resource).

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