Wow.. thank u guys for explanation and for command "pacman -Sg base" .. now
i understood..

On Fri, 21 Jun 2019, 10:14 am Eli Schwartz, <> wrote:

> On June 21, 2019 12:05:23 AM EDT, Ram Kumar via arch-general <
>> wrote:
> > Dear Archers,
> > A day back, i made a fresh install of Arch on my desktop. It is
> > completely
> > fresh as like it doesnt even have an account other than root.
> > My doubt is, wont basic tools like python come in Arch install? or do
> > we
> > have to install by ourselves?
> >
> > also can anyone give me a brief approximate list of packages that will
> > come
> > pre-installed in Arch, other than gnu tools?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > yours fellow newbie Archer
> > Ramkumar
> That's not really how it works. Arch does not come with programs
> preinstalled, because when you follow the Installation Guide and `pacstrap`
> a new system, you interactively choose which programs from the base group
> are desired.
> What will be installed is:
> - A kernel, because you need it to boot.
> - Pacman, because it is used for installing and removing things.
> - Standard POSIX tools (*not* gnu tools) like the core utilities,
>   grep, awk, sed, tar, find, sh and so on. Note that most are the
>   GNU versions by default, but it is possible to swap them out, e.g.
>   use busybox.
> - Select tools that are used by people for basic setup, like
>   filesystem support tools or networking tools (wpa_supplicant,
>   netctl).
> Python, and anything else you want on an application level, should be
> generally assumed to not exist unless you install it manually or unless it
> is basic scripting tools that are advertised by POSIX (in which case you
> can usually use them on any Linux distro without checking whether they are
> installed).
> --
> Eli Schwartz
> Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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