On June 21, 2019 12:05:23 AM EDT, Ram Kumar via arch-general 
<arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Dear Archers,
> A day back, i made a fresh install of Arch on my desktop. It is
> completely
> fresh as like it doesnt even have an account other than root.
> My doubt is, wont basic tools like python come in Arch install? or do
> we
> have to install by ourselves?
> also can anyone give me a brief approximate list of packages that will
> come
> pre-installed in Arch, other than gnu tools?
> Thanks in advance
> yours fellow newbie Archer
> Ramkumar

That's not really how it works. Arch does not come with programs preinstalled, 
because when you follow the Installation Guide and `pacstrap` a new system, you 
interactively choose which programs from the base group are desired.

What will be installed is:
- A kernel, because you need it to boot.
- Pacman, because it is used for installing and removing things.
- Standard POSIX tools (*not* gnu tools) like the core utilities,
  grep, awk, sed, tar, find, sh and so on. Note that most are the
  GNU versions by default, but it is possible to swap them out, e.g.
  use busybox.
- Select tools that are used by people for basic setup, like
  filesystem support tools or networking tools (wpa_supplicant,

Python, and anything else you want on an application level, should be generally 
assumed to not exist unless you install it manually or unless it is basic 
scripting tools that are advertised by POSIX (in which case you can usually use 
them on any Linux distro without checking whether they are installed).

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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