On 11/16/2016 07:50 PM, Doug Newgard wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Nov 2016 19:24:58 -0500 (EST)
> Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> wrote:
>> Did you ever download a package from aur before?  If not you can get and 
>> set up yaourt on archlinux but some edits have to be done to 
>> /etc/pacman.conf and then you need to run two pacman commands to first 
>> update your repositories and then install yaourt.  I do it like this:
>> [snip]
> Please, do NOT recommend using the archlinux.fr repo. It causes problems all 
> of
> the time. Also, do NOT recommend skipping over learning how the AUR actually
> works. You're just setting people up for future failure.

What I want to know is, given that the OP's original message clearly
stated he *already has* yaourt installed... why, oh why, must the peanut
gallery recommend *undoing* all that good work of manually (presumably
-- one hopes) installing an AUR helper, and instead recommend activating
the dreaded [archlinuxfr] repo?

(This peanut gallery has posted here before, somehow I am not surprised
he uses [archlinuxfr].)

Either Jude DaShiell didn't read the OP at all, just the subject line,
or he really, really, really wants people to use [archlinuxfr] for some
truly bizarre (and messed up) reason.

Either option is kind of scary.


I also couldn't help but notice, not only did he recommend [archlinuxfr]
he also recommended installing archlinuxfr/yaourt via a partial update!

> pacman -Sy yaourt <cr>

Eli Schwartz

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