According to Matthew dyer: # How do I know if I am running espeak ng?
Espeak-ng-git is a package in the AUR. It is not a supported Arch package, especially since it depends on pcaudiolib-git, which is also an AUR package. These packages are cloned from master git repositories, so most likely won't be grabbed by a TU until there is an actual release.
The espeak package from the community repository is the last version of the original non-ng espeak as released by Jonathan Duddington before he appeared for all intents and purposes to have fallen off the face of the internet. If you have installed espeak via pacman, you can safely assume that you are not running espeak-ng, as there hasn't yet been an official release of espeak-ng, and the espeak and espeak-ng packages are set to conflict in Arch. Hope this helps.
Sent from the joy in repetition