On 01/02/2016 01:23 PM, Doug Newgard wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 12:17:52 -0800
> Kyle Terrien <kyleterr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Are there plans to package a version of Firefox 44 that lets you disable
>> extension signature checking?
> ...
>> --Kyle Terrien
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/45900

Thank you!  I was tempted to reopen it, but it looks like the general
consensus is that an AUR package will be submitted.

It looks like sticking to upstream trumps user-centric in this case.
(Although I guess building from AUR is a fair substitute for

It's a real bummer that a bunch of users (myself included) will be
forced to compile Firefox on each release.  I really hope we can
eventually get an abrowser or firefox-nobranding (or maybe even
palemoon) into the repos.

How can we nominate a package into community or extra?

(And if you are fed-up with Mozilla's walled-garden policy like I am, I
suggest trying out Pale Moon [0].)

--Kyle Terrien

[0] https://www.palemoon.org/

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