On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 19:53:50 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 19:29:33 +0200, I wrote without thinking:
>>No, since I read the mail of the OP before the update was available
>>here, I tested it, because I was curious, since nothing was mentioned
>>by the news. After installing gptfdisk and readline, there was no
>>way to login or to systemd-nspawn from another install. I needed to mv
>>back the old ncurses libs, before I could continue.
>Ok, I notice the weak point of my argumentation. I enforced a situation
>that unlikely happens when running an update, instead of installing
>packages individually.

However, installing just a few packages instead of all packages needs
to be done, if the Internet connection get interrupted too often to
make a complete upgrade in one step. So a note by the Arch news IMO
still is useful.

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