On 09/18/2015 12:46 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote: > Hi, > > is there anything speaking against making such updates more > comfortable? > > Since the login shell is affected, it's not a simple chicken-and-egg > problem an Arch user usually expects to happen. > > Providing a transition package including libncursesw.so.5 might cause > to much work, but why not at least mentioning it by the news on > https://www.archlinux.org/ ? > > It seemingly wasn't a serious issue for the OP and it neither hits me > between the eyes, however, a user might have a bad day and doesn't > notice it, especially if it's not mentioned by the news. > > Btw. thank you Damjan for the heads up :). > > My workaround was to mv -i the libs [1]. Btw. packages from AUR are > affected too. > > 2 cents, > Ralf
I don't think the login shell was affected, just an error when the post_upgrade function failed to call install-info. Your login shell should be reloaded when you log back in. As for AUR packages, if they need to link against ncurses then they need to be rebuilt. Leave a comment on those packages that they should receive a pkgrel bump so they are rebuilt against ncurses 6.0 Just like all the corresponding packages in the main repos. -- Eli Schwartz