On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:06:39 +0200, Simon Hanna wrote: >are you sure everything is updated and you aren't using testing?!
Hi, I'm aware that libvpx isn't up to date on my machine. I need to keep an outdated version of Virtualmachine and to run it, I need the outdated version of libvpx. $ pacman -Q libvpx ; pacman -Si libvpx | grep Ver libvpx 1.3.0-1 Version : 1.4.0-2 Some packages mention that they need a dedicated version of libvpx. $ pacman -Si ffmpeg ffmpeg-compat | grep On Depends On : [snip] libvpx.so=2-64 [snip] Depends On : [snip] libvpx.so=2-64 [snip] ^^^^^ Pointer to the needed version So I'm aware about it and forced to downgrade those ffmpeg packages too, that's what I did. Alternatively I also could use ABS and try to build them against the outdated libvpx, what I try to do at the moment with Firefox. However, Firfox allowed me to install the wrong version and didn't start. $ pacman -Qi firefox | grep On Depends On : [snip] libvpx [snip] ^^^^^^ No pointer to a dedicated version So I'm aware that the Virtualmachine packages, the libvpx and 2 ffmpeg packages for good reasons aren't up to date. I didn't notice that Firefox needs the up to date version of libvpx too. I wonder if there's a way to list all packages that depend on a dedicated version of another package. Regards, Ralf