Paul Gideon Dann wrote:
> I managed to fix the global shortcut issue through "Custom Shortcuts" in
> the System Settings. I had to create a new global shortcut command, and
> that seemed to work fine. I had thought that once a shortcut to an
> application was added to a panel, setting "Shortcut" on that widget would
> invoke the application, but that's not the case. The shortcut in the
> widget configuration panel seems to be a generic setting, which I assume
> is intended to e.g. open widget panels and other UI-type interactions,
> such as a folder view.
Ah, I thought you mean adding icons directly to the panel. For taskbar 
launchers it is to be expected that it won't work, right, as you can't 
assign shortcuts to individual launchers. For icons, OTOH, assigned 
shortcuts should launch the application.

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