On 16 February 2015 at 13:23, Antonio Rojas <aro...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> > 2) I used to have some global shortcuts for launching certain apps. I > > don't seem able to set these up any more. After setting a shortcut on a > > lancher in the panel (e.g. Firefox), nothing happens when I actually hit > > the shortcut combination. > > Confirmed, please report upstream I managed to fix the global shortcut issue through "Custom Shortcuts" in the System Settings. I had to create a new global shortcut command, and that seemed to work fine. I had thought that once a shortcut to an application was added to a panel, setting "Shortcut" on that widget would invoke the application, but that's not the case. The shortcut in the widget configuration panel seems to be a generic setting, which I assume is intended to e.g. open widget panels and other UI-type interactions, such as a folder view. However, global shortcuts are ignoring my keyboard layout. That's a frustrating issue. I'll report that upstream if it's not already reported. Paul