On 09/15/14 at 12:34am, lolilolicon wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:14 AM, tlux <t...@ghelew.ch> wrote:
> >  -  the key bindings functionality has been redesign so as to use a bindings
> >     file located at /usr/share/doc/ncmpcpp which may be copied to your
> >     $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory and then amended to suit your needs.
> Except ncmpcpp does not use XDG_CONFIG_HOME
> Anyway, everything one needs to know is in the man page and example
> config files. RTFM is the best advice for OP.

>From the manual (which I did read prior to asking):

"When  ncmpcpp  starts,  it  tries  to  read user's keybindings from
~/.ncmpcpp/keys file. If no user's keybindings is found, ncmpcpp uses
its default keybindings. An example keybindings file containing all
default values  is  provided  with ncmpcpp  and  can  be  found  usually
in /usr/share/doc/ncmpcpp (exact location may depend on used
distribution/OS/configure prefix)."

This hasn't changed from earlier versions, or at least I do have a
~/.nmcpcpp/keys file, which was, and isn't, correctly read.


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