On 14/09, Manolo Martínez wrote:
> Hi,
> Since the upgrade of nmcpcpp to 0.6beta2 yesterday, custom keybindings
> no longer work, and the commandline subcommands (most importantly for
> me, `ncmpcpp toggle`) have stopped working as well. Downgrading to
> 0.5.10 solve these issues. 
> Perhaps the package should stay at the last stable release? (I should
> say I don't follow ncmpcpp development closely at all, and for all I
> know that beta might have been around for years. In any case, I'm seeing
> the above problems with the beta version.)
> Cheers,
> Manolo
> -- 
Hi Manolo, 

I discovered the same thing when I upgraded ncmpcpp yesterday. Then I made some
searches and discovered the following: 

 -  the key bindings functionality has been redesign so as to use a bindings
    file located at /usr/share/doc/ncmpcpp which may be copied to your
    $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory and then amended to suit your needs.
    See the NEWS file for more details. 

 -  the play, stop, pause, toggle, etc... command line arguments has
    been removed on purpose. See [1]. The workaround I am using now is to
    install mpc [2] and use it in all my scripts that was using the related 
    ncmpcpp's command line argument


tlux <t...@ghelew.ch>

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