Savyasachee Jha <savya.jha91 <at>> writes:

> > So, specifically, here is what I'm interested in testing on Arch.
> > Mesos, Chronos, Spark, Hadoop Lxqt(5?)
> > and whatever file system to run (HDFS)?
> > I believe all of these aforementioned packages, except for Chronos
> > are available in Arch, in one form or another?

> I think your curiosity about the file systems Arch supports can be
> satisfied by this page:

Thanks for the response, but, I'm not much for top posting, unless
that is the norm for this list? (or you are mobile_phonic?).....

Yes, just what I was looking for. It does not mention HDFS, but your
package repository does show support for Hadoop. I believe that Hadoop
must run on top of HDFS.....

What I was really looking for is somebody on Arch that is running
Mesos and Spark on top of BTRFS. Possible running hadoop on top of 
mesos. I see the dev "dseg" but is there a workgroup hacking away
at mesos and the companion apps?  I see "spark" in the packages
but I do not see support for the scala programing language. I can
hack my way through on these and many other packages related to 
cluster computing, but it would greatly help if there is a 
group of like minded folks on Arch? A (mesos)cluster lead?

So I'm looking for guidance as to what/how  to quickly pursue
Mesos & spark & hadoop on top of Arch linux. That way I can
build on top of btrfs later, unless that is what folks interested
in distributed/cluster computing are already doing on Arch?
(Arch) Birds of a feather on mesos et. al. ?


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