Hello, As my background is Gentoo, Arch has frequently crossed my mind.
So, specifically, here is what I'm interested in testing on Arch. Mesos, Chronos, Spark, Hadoop Lxqt(5?) and whatever file system to run (HDFS)? I believe all of these aforementioned packages, except for Chronos are available in Arch, in one form or another? I could not find the pages where it specifies which file systems Arch supports. BTRFS is in my plans for testing along with HDFS. I did not (yet) find the documents and discussion of the files systems available in ARCH linux.....I have (2) fX8350 workstations I can devote to the dual purpose of cluster building/testing under arch linux. Last, I'm curious as to future arch plans, if any, to support the newest AMD_arm64 server processors? [1] James [1] http://www.forbes.com/sites/marcochiappetta/2014/07/31/amd-opteron-64-bit-arm-based-seattle-dev-kits-are-shipping/?partner=yahootix