On May 3, 2014 11:17 PM, "Simon Brand" <simon.br...@postadigitale.de> wrote:
> Am 03.05.2014 22:09, schrieb Nowaker:
> >> I am speaking about GPU passthrough.
> >> Is ATi better supported by Xen or KVM passthrough than nvidia.
> >
> I do not think it makes a difference, if nvidia or amd/ati is passed
> through, but dont know it for sure.
It kinda makes (not sure). I have not get my head around yet...

> There is a thread in the forum:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=162768
I've seen the thread, but thanks anyway :)

> Btw, are there any native Linux
> games with decent graphics like
> Battlefield 3/4, ARMA, Bioshock
> Infinite and such?

Nah... Maybe unreal tournament, but not sure.

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