I am not speaking about native linux gaming. Mesa is NOT enough at all. propriety is needed. But that's not the subject. I am speaking about GPU passthrough. Is ATi better supported by Xen or KVM passthrough than nvidia. On May 3, 2014 8:49 PM, "Laurent Carlier" <lordhea...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Le samedi 3 mai 2014, 10:35:24 Ryan Capote a écrit : > > AMD cards are not very well supported under Arch. I use an AMD card and > > have to use Vi0l0's unofficial repository for the latest catalyst drivers, > > as they are not available from the official repository. Occasionally an > > update will break the driver and I have to recompile the kernel module. > > Other then that, the quality of the drivers is OK. Games run noticeably > > smoother in Windows than under Linux, I don't know if that's a driver issue > > or games/engine not being optimized under Linux. > > > > ATI cards are very well supported on Arch, crappy software not! > > Mesa drivers are enough to play games under linux, have less pain with kernel > or xserver upgrades. > > -- > Laurent Carlier > ArchLinux Developer > http://www.archlinux.org
I am not speaking about native linux gaming. (Mesa is NOT enough at all. propriety is needed, unless you play cs 1.6. But that's not the subject.) I am speaking about GPU passthrough. Is ATi better supported by Xen or KVM *GPU passthrough* than nvidia. Linux is not involved at all. The "good" card will be passed to windows through one of the two virtualization solutions.