On Monday 17 Mar 2014 09:55:11 arnaud gaboury wrote:
> > I guess someone will have to ask about it, either in the mailing list or
> > irc, I haven't done so before because systemd-{nspawn,networkd} have
> > lots of new functionality and I'm not sure I understand them all.
> After I related this issue (interfaces not being UP) on the
> systemd-devel mailing list, Tom Gundersen did a commit yesterday nite
> to change this behavior. So if you run systemd-git, just upgrade and
> interfaces will now be UP, and you will be able to get rid of your
> hack.

I don't get this: it seems normal to me that the interface would be down until 
configured by the container, pretty much like on a normal machine. The only 
in which you can expect an interface to be up already is in a network-booting 
in which the initramfs configures the interface. In a virtualised situation, 
this is like the 
host configuring the container's interface for it.

Anyway, no big deal either way for me.


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