More than 2 weeks and none reject this idea. I prossed to update all to Github[1] for now. If any remain objected...why no say that 2 weeks ago?
Any commit in artwork is apresiated and if needed evaluated, and remmeber, all is Copying to Arch and theys authors [1] 2013/10/8 Pablo Lezaeta Reyes <> > I addopted tha archlinux-artwork because I have a idea on how reviving a > little this thin'. > > I want pull it to a Github server and receive artworks for the project, so > that can by a little more populated, users can contribute whit fixes in > gamas and others add new art > I want know if already exist a place for that or I need create ir by myself > > and not thing, all art remain archlinux and all, I add a clear statenment > on the ReadMe > > So I first want do ir right and ask permisison or know if already exist a > place.. > > -- > *Pablo Lezaeta > * > -- *Pablo Lezaeta * * Use Cop for Backups, Join whit this Referal <> and reseive 5 GB extra. * Use Copy para su almacenamiento en línea, Únase con esta *Referencia*<> y obtenga 5GB extra iniciales.