On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Pablo Lezaeta Reyes <prfl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I addopted tha archlinux-artwork because I have a idea on how reviving a
> little this thin'.
> I want pull it to a Github server and receive artworks for the project, so
> that can by a little more populated, users can contribute whit fixes in
> gamas and others add new art
> I want know if already exist a place for that or I need create ir by myself
> and not thing, all art remain archlinux and all, I add a clear statenment
> on the ReadMe
> So I first want do ir right and ask permisison or know if already exist a
> place..
> --
> *Pablo Lezaeta
> *

IIRC it was said that archlinux accepts contributions as an upstream.
Why don't you set up github and commit your contributions to its
package maintainer? I assume Eric could set this up for you. No one
objected in 4 days, this is mar77i with a !nike.

Just do it!


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