On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 8:36 PM, kristof <sapos...@myopera.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 12:23:39 -0800, Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for any replies (and useful links)
> What bootloader and bootmanager are you going to be using? I'm currently
> using gummiboot to boot an efistub kernel on my ESP, and as one user
> mentioned earlier for that setup to work, I need .path and .service units
> to automatically copy and rename gummiboot, initial ramdisks, and kernels
> all to their respective places on the EFISYSPART on updates. Running with
> GRUB or rEFInd is less complicated because they have the capacity to boot
> files on different partitions.

>From what I have read rEFInd was what seemed the easiest way forward but I
am still certainly reading and re-reading and listening to all the advice
and experience that arch users add to this thread - for something as new as
UEFI I want to be as prepared as possible before I commit to it.  Also in
answer to John - I will not be using a VM to test first - the new hardware
will be the test bed - and hopefully since it is a new(ish) motherboard and
a processor that was only released a few months ago by Intel that it will
be as ready as possible for my foray into UEFI provided I can absorb all
the good, bad and ugly information so that if anything doesn't work I have
a route to workarounds to hand - though once I install for real I may well
have additional questions if things don't go according to plan!

Either way I am very appreciative of all input on this.

mike c

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