On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Curtis Shimamoto <
sugar.and.scru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From what I have been reading in the forums of late, apparently rEFInd
> has a driver to read ext2 partitions, so can read your kernel/initramfs
> from there.
> Also, srs5694 has indicated that the git version of rEFInd now has a
> driver to read ext4 as well.
> --
> Curtis Shimamoto
> sugar.and.scru...@gmail.com

Thank you for both replies, Curtis - your comment about a systemd service
file to append .efi to the kernel implies that when there is a kernel
update you need to either manually create the appropriate filename
(presumably in the ESP area?) or have the service file run a command to do
that (presumably once written it is automatic?)  after the kernel update?

It sounds like the way forward is to set up with legacy and switch once the
base install is done.  Also I usually in the past format the drive before
the install with partedmagic booted from a usbkey - but from what I have
read partedmagic won't boot from a key with uefi!  So if I start out with
normal BIOS and do disc partitioning, as well as flashing the BIOS with
updated firmware from a bootable dos key then I guess the main install
should be as normal - and if it boots with legacy BIOS set with GPT
formatted drives then it would hopefully not be too much work changing over
to EFI at that stage.

>From what I read if using rEFInd then Grub is not needed but am still

mike c

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