On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Rafael Beraldo <rbera...@cabaladada.org>wrote:

> Hello,
> I've already upgraded lwjgl and that didn't solve the problem. I
> originally thought
> that it was a problem related to Minecraft alone but that clearly isn't
> the case,
> since I experience the same problem playing Counter-Strike, which leads me
> to
> believe the problem is on a layer above those two games.
> When I go home I'll download OpenArena or some other FPS and play a while
> to see if I can reproduce this error in yet a third game.
> Thank you,
> --
> Rafael Beraldo
> cabaladada.org

Hello again,

I installed OpenArena and noticed I still had the same problem. I tried a
different key
(‘a’, ‘d’, ‘s’) and I noticed it only “sticks” when I'm pressing ‘w’, so
it's a hardware
issue.  My netbook has one of those so called ”chiclet keyboards”. Do you
guys have
any experience with that? Should I just replace the keyboard?


Rafael Beraldo

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