On 25.10.2012 20:46, Rafael Beraldo wrote: > Hello all, > > I don't play very often but when I do, I get sticky keys. By sticky keys I > mean that after about > half an hour playing, when I stop pressing, say, ‘w’, the character > continues walking forward. > I first noticed that playing Minecraft and thought the issue was related to > Java. A quick > search [0,1] supported that theory. Hi Rafael,
I experienced the same issue with Minecraft. At least this could be solved by using the newest lwjgl files (See Minecraft wiki for further information). Joshua > > However yesterday I was playing Counter Strike 1.6 on wine and, after a > while, I noticed I'd > continue walking forward even after I'd stopped pressing ‘w’, so I thought > I'd drop an email > here and see if anybody else has had that kind of issue. > > I had this problem running both Fluxbox and i3. I think that's not related, > but I run setxkbmap us > intl every time I go to either window manager. > > Thanks for your time, > > [0]: > https://www.google.com.br/search?q=sticky+keys+minecraft+linux&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a > [1]: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=sticky+keys+minecraft+linux >