> For X11 and Linux console this is completely separate.
> For the console, you configure the keymap in /etc/vconsole.conf, and you
> add "keymap" to the HOOKS line in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to have it loaded
> early in the initrd to enter your encryption pw.
> For X11 you either use KDE's keyboard settings (since Neo is apparantly
> shipped with xkeyboard-config, it should be listed by xkb), or you just
> run setxkbmap somewhere in your X startup scripts as suggested by Robbie.

Most of the login managers (gdm, xdm, lightdm at least do) will use
the $HOME/.Xkbmap file to set your xkb settings.
You just put the setxkbmap options in the file, in the OP case that
would be "-layout de,neo"  I guess.


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